About a month ago, I started reading the Bible in 90 days. Now I have just started back up again. Because I was at my Grandparents and didn't have much time to read, I am catching up (that is a horrible excuse, I know, but I did read my Bible for five minutes every day). I was wondering if ya'll would like to take the challenge with me? Here is what you have to do to complete it visit-www.havenministries.com/schedule.pd. I think it is really exciting to do it because you learn so much more than if you just read a chapter a day. You also make connections with different people. It makes so much more since. Just remember that you aren't studying it. It is best to read it quickly rather than slowly (not to quickly in which you don't get the point of it). Here is the website for reading your Bible in 90 days visit-www.biblein90days.org/
In Christ,
P.S. Sorry, but I have not been able to figure out how to hyperlink yet.