
Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm Thankful for... (belated)

Well if I had been on time day 10 would have been on thanksgiving! I wanted to something a little different since it was thanksgiving and since there wasn't enough time to list everything I am thankful for. I am going to list 10 things I am thankful for!
  1. I'm thankful for clean water!
  2. I'm thankful for a big backyard to run around in!
  3. I'm thankful for a Bible of my own!
  4. I'm thankful for the Volunteer job I have been blessed with!
  5. I'm thankful for this blog!
  6. I'm thankful for FOOD!
  7. I'm thankful for a camera!
  8. I'm thankful for being able to play the piano for 9 almost 10 years!
  9. I'm thankful for those who have posted a comment!
  10. I'm thankful for children! I absolutely love to play with them!
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I look forward to it every year because I get to see family I only see at Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a family reunion for part of my family on Thanksgiving. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had lots to eat! I sure did!
Happy belated Thanksgiving
In Christ,

I'm Thankful for... (belated)

I'm thankful for my house! It's so nice to have a roof over my head! So many people don't have a house and have to live outside in the cold and rain. I think sometimes I take for granted how blessed I am to have a house! Thank you Lord for blessing me with a warm house!
In Christ,
P.S. sorry this is belated! I didn't have the time to post, because I am visiting my grandparents and we were preparing for thanksgiving! So thank you for being patient!