I'm thankful for the country I live in! What I am most thankful about the U.S.A. is that I can worship freely in it! I am thankful that I don't have to worry about where I keep my Bible. I am thankful that I can openly speak about Jesus and the Gospel. I am thankful that I won't be taken to prison because I chose to follow Jesus. It makes me sad to think that my brothers and sisters in Christ can't worship as freely as I can. We need to thank God for letting us live in a safe country, but also remember to pray for them! One of the main things I have heard them say is "When we are weak, He is strong." They also ask us to pray for them; not for their release (though they would like to be free) but that they would be strong and and not give in!
Praise the Lord for the freedom He as so richly blessed me with!
In Christ,