
Friday, September 25, 2009

Faith and Trust in the Lord's Will

It amazes me when the Lord will answer a question that I had been pondering for a couple of days! I think what amazes me is how He does it!
Here lately I have been thinking about faith and trust in the Lord's will. This morning when I got up and read our day by day devotional I thought I should share with you this man's testimonies.

Andrés Noriega
My wife and I were very confused when our third child was born. A baby without a hope of staying alive. Each day he lived was an agony.

We felt our world had been turned upside down. We were confused, upset and full of questions. The more so because I experienced a great revival in my church. People were saved, delivered from all kind of addictions, healed from various kinds of diseases. The people in my church were glorifying God. So did I ... until our child was born. "Why Lord? Why?" we cried.

The next eighteen days were like one long nightmare. We cried, we prayed, we fainted, we argued with God until we were left without strength. It was then that we realized that we were selfish, proud and stubborn. I thought I heard the voice of the mockers saying, "Doctor, heal yourself." So I said, "Lord, your will be done. If you decide to take my child it will not change my obedience to you." That very day a miracle happened ... the peace of God entered our hearts. We had won the battle.

PS: Late that night our child came back to life and has been healthy ever since. What a bonus.

What a secret. Put your hope in God and surrender to His love and sovereignty even when "the miracle" does not take place.

Like Andres, said the miracle you want to happen may not, but God performs miracles in many ways different ways! If we ask he will open our eyes like he did Andres. The Lord is so amazing and loving! It is so comforting to know that I don't have to worry about anything! If the Lord sends me somewhere, I don't need to worry about it because if the Lord wants it to succeed then it will.
Yesterday as I was thinking about this matter I thought "Mac, remember what the Bible says in Matthew,when devil is testing Jesus in the desert: Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple "If you are the Son of God, " he said ,"throw yourself down. For it is written: 'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. ' " Jesus answered him, "It is also written: ' Do not put the Lord your God to the test' " Matthew 4:5-7. I thought you know what sometimes there are situations that need to be thought through instead of testing God." I am still working on when is it testing God and when do we need to rely on God.
In Christ Jesus who saves,